Anti-Money Laundering Policies, Controls and Procedures
An overview of the key topics that need to be covered by firms when establishing AML policies, controls, and procedures.
In this blog, we provide an overview of the Anti- Money Laundering (AML) landscape for designated persons in Ireland paying close attention to legal and accountancy professionals and the requirements covered by the Irish competent authorities; The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Accountants Ireland, The Law Society and the Central Bank of Ireland.
Firms need to pay close attention to the guidance and be alert to the risks posed by clients, suppliers, employees, and their associated parties (including beneficial owners) of clients.
Money laundering is a type of financial crime. It involves taking criminally obtained proceeds (dirty money) and disguising their origins, so they’ll appear to be from a legitimate source. Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to the activities designated persons perform to achieve compliance with legal requirements to actively monitor for and report suspicious activities.
Money laundering has been treated as a very serious offence since the passing of the Criminal Justice Act in 1994. The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts 2010 to 2021 updated Irish anti-money laundering and terrorist financing legislation and brought it in line with the requirements of EU legislation to prevent money laundering. Ireland is also obliged to implement certain recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the international anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing body.
The estimated amount of money laundered globally in one year is 2% to 5% of global GDP. Money laundering often accompanies illegal activities and is common within organised crime.
Anti-money laundering is closely related to counter-financing of terrorism (CFT), which designated persons use to combat terrorist financing. AML regulations combine money laundering (source of funds) with terrorism financing (destination of funds).
Beyond the moral imperative to fight money laundering and terrorist financing, firms also use AML measures for:
Many countries as well as economic and political partnerships, such as the European Union—have enacted, and continue to update, laws and regulations to combat money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (CTF).
While AML laws and regulations differ by country, they invariably require firms to maintain a robust set of policies as a means of achieving compliance. Such policies provide a detailed explanation of the people, processes, and technology a financial institution has in place to prevent the reintroduction of illicit funds into the financial system.
The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts 2010 to 2021 Act places obligations on designated persons to guard against their businesses being used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes.
Section 25 of the 2010 Act defines the term ‘‘designated person’’ as any person working in Ireland in any of the following capacities:
A credit or a financial institution (this includes funds and fund service providers, money lenders, insurance companies, money transmission or bureaux de change businesses, An Post and virtual asset service providers) unless specifically excepted
The 2010 Act also establishes a number of competent authorities who monitor designated persons and secure compliance with the requirements of the Act.
The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010 as amended requires all designated persons to:
If you are a designated person, AML HQ can help you manage your obligations. Learn more about our product features and start your free trial today.
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is the process used by designated persons to collect and evaluate relevant information about a customer or potential customer.
Customer due diligence measures are a key part of anti-money laundering requirements. They ensure that firms know who their clients are and ensure that they do not accept clients unknowingly who are outside their normal risk tolerance, or whose business they will not understand with sufficient clarity to be able to form money laundering suspicions when appropriate. If a firm does not understand its client's regular business pattern of activity it will be very difficult to identify any abnormal business patterns or activities. In addition, firms must be in a position to supply the client's identity in the event that the firm is required to submit an external report to FIU Ireland and the Revenue Commissioners.
The level of CDD measures, that a Firm is required to apply depends upon the nature of the relationship between the Firm and its customer, the type of business conducted, and the perceived money laundering or terrorist financing risks.
CDD should comprise the following:
Irish legislation allows designated persons to apply aspects of the customer due diligence requirements on a risk-sensitive basis depending on:
Customer due diligence (CDD) can be divided into three categories
The importance of a risk-based approach is to ensure that measures to prevent or mitigate money laundering and terrorist financing are commensurate to the risks identified. To adopt a risk-based approach is to:
An effective risk-based approach will allow firms to exercise reasonable business judgment with respect to their customers.
Individuals who have or have had, a high political profile, or hold or have held, public office, or are currently performing or have performed a prescribed function (as determined by the Minister for Justice) can pose a higher money laundering risk to Firms as their position may make them vulnerable to corruption.
This risk, and therefore EDD requirements for PEPs, also extends to members of their immediate families and to known close associates. Firms should note that PEP status itself is intended to apply higher vigilance to certain individuals and put those individuals that are customers or beneficial owners into a higher risk category. It is not intended to suggest that such individuals are involved in suspicious activity.
An Ultimate Beneficial Owner or UBO is defined in Article 3(6), EU 4 Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD), as any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity, either through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in the entity, including through bearer shareholdings or through control via other means.
In Ireland, regulated entities and designated persons have obligations to report their beneficial owners to central registers. The central register of beneficial ownership of companies (RBO) was signed into law (April 2019) by the Minister for Finance and is there to improve corporate trust and transparency in Ireland and the EU by making it clear to law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities, designated persons, businesses and the general public who ultimately owns and controls Irish companies.
The aim of the EU AML Directives is to deter money laundering and terrorist financing and to help law enforcement and regulatory authorities to identify those ‘natural persons’ who hide their ownership or control of Irish companies/societies for the purpose of facilitating illegal activities.
These include:
Although the AML obligations on firms are significant, there are technology options available that allow you to be effective, compliant and to improve your internal processes. The adoption of technology does not necessarily mean taking on a large or expensive project.
For example, within AML HQ we have developed a one-stop AML portal that helps your team to achieve compliance through convenience. Our portal provides smart processes to help your team efficiently onboard clients with a risk-based approach that automatically creates the records and reports to demonstrate due process and compliance. Our service includes:
Subscription to our service costs €45 per month for firms that have up to 100 customers. Try AML HQ today on a free 14-day trial.
Who is AML HQ? |
AML HQ's all-in-one compliance solution was created in line with guidance from competent authorities and governing bodies to solve the challenges faced in complying with ongoing Anti-Money Laundering regulations. Our service reduces your risk of exposure to Money Laundering by guiding your staff through efficient processes such as initial Risk Assessments and Client Due Diligence checks. AML HQ reduces onboarding times and provides your clients with a modern, secure, and professional impression of your firm. Our risk-based approach to Know Your Customer checks automatically creates the records and reports to demonstrate due process and compliance. All reports and evidence are automatically recorded in a GDPR-compliant process and can be efficiently retrieved on-demand to support audits and regulatory visits. |
An overview of the key topics that need to be covered by firms when establishing AML policies, controls, and procedures.
An overview of the key obligations for Solicitors in Ireland that stem from the comprehensive Irish anti-money laundering regime.
A break down of the key obligations for Accountants in Ireland that stem from the comprehensive Irish anti-money laundering regime.